Photo gallery in Reno, Nevada

(Photos are enlarged by clicking.)

11 Nov. (Sunday) 2007

Setup of the Booth of 1075(SIT) and 1079(Saitama Univ.), Research Exhibit of SC2007.

The visit to one of the neighbours, JAXA during setting up the booth.

Have you ever been in the Reception for the Exhibitors?

12 Nov. (Monday) 2007

At the entrance of SC07 in the morning.

Before Gala Opening
At the booth.

Visit to the booth of Fujitsu.

Visit to the booth of Boston University.

Visit to the booth of Research Organization of Information and Systems.

Gala Opening 19:00-21:00

With Mr. Tim Fahey.

Discussions at the booth with the students of Doshisha University.

Discussions at the booth.

Discussions with Prof. Y. Tamura.

Discussions with Dr. R. Himeno.

Visit to the booth of Doshisha University.

13 Nov. (Tuesday) 2007
Exhibition on the first day.

All members ready for the presentation of exhibition in the morning.

Visit by Prof. T. Aoki of Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Discussions with Prof. T. Terasaka of Univ. of Tokyo.

14 Nov. (Wednesday) 2007
Exhibition on the second day.

With Dr. T. Nakamura of JAXA.

Discussions at the booth.

15 Nov. (Thursday) 2006
Exhibition on the third day.

Presentation at the Booth of 1075 and 1079, Research Exhibit of SC2007

Visit by Prof. K. Murata of Ehime University.

Visit by Mr. K. Aratani of JAEA.

Visit to the booth of Bosotn University.

Visit to the booth of Doshisha University.

Discussions with Dr. Y. Sato of JAIST.

Visit by Mr. T. Fahey before his departure from Reno.

15 Nov. (Thursday) 2006

Dismantlement of the Booth of 1075 and 1079, Research Exhibit of SC2007

After the presentation we enjoyed the dinner.
One of the members, Mr. Kakishima, was celebrated for his ??th birthday.

Going back to the hotel after the dinner.

See you again in SC2008, Austin, Texas.